
Kids Friendly Writing

Story: Bicycle


I was on my little bicycle at home playing, I didn’t know it then like all babies don’t. Not knowing that we would move to a different state in a couple of days and sell the small thing. The clues were all there. Packing, saying goodbye, and throwing farewell parties. After the move, a few years after, my parents got me a new bigger black bicycle. I kept trying but I just couldn’t get the hang of it. I wanted to learn it, but I just gave up. I was in second grade at the time. And I was still in training wheels! Then my parents sold that bike and got me a BIGGER hot wheel one. When I was then seven, we moved to another house closer to my big sisters’ high school. I had to switch elementary schools next year at eight! The summer after the transport, we went to another country to see the rest of my family for about a month. One day, my cousins’ friend came over. They decided to get some snacks from the store. And they insisted that I came along. “It’s okay,” I thought. We only had two bikes and I did not know how to ride one. So, I got on the BACK of the bike and my cousins’ friend drove in front. While we were going, my left foot got stuck in the wheel blades on the bicycle WHILE it was spinning. I kept telling him to stop but he didn’t hear. FINALLY, he stopped, and my cousin picked me up and carried me to the nearest hospital. It took weeks to heal and they kept replacing the cast and medicine. When it didn’t need a cast anymore, they took it off and gave me medicine to put on daily at home. Once we got home, I did put the medicine on daily, but I then stopped. For a long time, I did not think about bicycle. But a few years later, my mom organized a bicycle class with my swim teacher. I felt like preparing, so I did. I practiced so much that the day before my class, I could do it! But my swim coach still wanted to see me. So, he did. He was amazed I guess that’s what happens when you get carried away with practicing!

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